Medicus Management GPO
Medicus Management GPO is the industry-leading Group Purchasing Organization for medical devices used in Office Based Labs (OBLs) and Ambulatory Surgical Centers (Medicus Managements) every day. We purchase millions of dollars of medical products each year, giving us maximum purchasing and negotiating power. Acting on your behalf, we negotiate with major – and smaller – device manufacturers, giving you the lowest prices on medical devices you need for your practice.

The Medicus Management Advantage
Medicus Management’s GPO brings together a collective of medical practices with vendors that supply the medical products OBLs and Medicus Managements most commonly use. This gives us the ability to leverage the power of a GPO, buying in quantity and giving your practice the cost advantages that come with high volume purchasing.

Our Seamless Process
The process is seamless. Medicus Management will add you as an affiliate member of our GPO at no charge to you. Then we’ll set everything up and introduce vendors whose products you use to your practice. You simply order products from representatives the way you always have—only at far lower costs. Your orders are shipped right to you. You’ll either be billed directly from the vendor or through Medicus Management. It’s that simple.
Your Bottom Line
Our goal is your bottom line. We’ve done all the negotiating with device manufacturers for you—you get the lowest prices on devices you need for your practice. Medicus Management GPO members commonly save from 10% to as much as 40% on the products used most in OBLs and Medical Managements. Savings like these have a real impact on your bottom line, giving your practice enhanced profitability.